
This is where I collect my personal list of useful websites, articles, tutorials, and other references. Right now it leans heavily toward Jekyll and web development.

Jekyll Tips and Reference

Jekyll Cheat Sheet: Reference for all the Jekyll / Liquid variables, filters, etc.

Jekyll Tutorials

Official Jekyll Docs

kramdown Quick Reference

Markdown Syntax Guide

Customizing GitHub Pages

Complete idiot’s introduction to yaml: Written as part of a user guide for the Minecraft Bukkit plugin, but still a good introductory reference for YAML.

Rebuilding with Jekyll: A migration journey full of learnings.

Using Jekyll in 2016: Another ‘learnings’ post.

Configuring Jekyll for GitHub Pages

Organizing Jekyll Pages

How I Added Teaser and Read-more Functionality to My Jekyll Blog

Add Reading Time to a post

Create Post Excerpt Intelligently in Jekyll: Set the meta-description from the post.excerpt

Adding Comments to a Jekyll Blog, also Adding Disqus to Jekyll

Wikipedia-style Table of Contents in Jekyll

Jekyll Navigation menu based on data files

Embed YouTube Videos in Jekyll without a Plugin

Building a Sitemap in Jekyll

Hacking the Routing Component in Jekyll: May be good reading if your titles / links / permalinks / etc. ever change

Automatic SEO-friendly “nofollow” links with Jekyll: Done without plugins (using the Liquid ‘replace’ filter)

Including a ‘links library’

Fun Jekyll tricks: Rakefiles, _posts subfolders as categories, the _data folder, the _includes folder

Set up Jekyll RSS feed

Page-specific assets with Jekyll

WebStorm Tips and Reference

Using WebStorm to Maintain a Jekyll Site: How to install plugins, set up post templates, live templates (autocorrect / substitution), jekyll serve as an external tool.

Maintaining a Jekyll Site Using WebStorm: How to clone a GitHub project into WebStorm, how to use Apache Velocity to set up a post template (with auto-title)

CSS Tips and Reference

Styling ordered list numbers

Git Tips and Reference

Git in six hundred words: A pretty good introduction to git commands and workflow.

Git notes: GitHub wiki with notes on Git commands and usage.

Git Tips

Git Best Practices

Using GitHub to Maintain a To-Do List: With Checkboxes!

Style Guides and Best Practices

Building a Style Guide with Jekyll

Permalinks: Reasons for not having the standard ‘/year/month/day/’ as part of your blog permalinks.

SEO Tips